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2023-2024学年第2学期选课告知(Notice of course selection for semester 2023-2024-2)

发布日期:2024-07-12 14:04    点击次数:128


The course selection for semester 2023-2024-2 is starting, the requirements are as follows:

一、 选课范畴 Courses available


For international students,the available courses now are from modules of General Education, Subject Basis, Professional Education, Practical Ability Training, Chinese,PE etc..


二、选课对象 Who should select courses?


Students in Bachelor Program from Batch 2021, 2022 and 2023 are required to finish the course selection in time.


三、选课神志 Course selection policy


The course selection policies at the primary stage and re-selection stage are based on the willingness value and  "Select & Get" policy respectively.  



About the using the willingness value in course selection,please find the following demonstration video ( also in attachement 2 )  on course selection for details. 



 Or download Guide Manual for course selection in attachment 2 to get help.


四、选课安排 Course selection period

1. 初选:12月7日(星期四)16:00至12月11日(星期一)16:00

    Primary stage: December 7 (Thursday) 16:00PM  to  December 11 (Monday) 16:00PM  

2.  灵通查询时辰: 12月19日(星期二)10:00

    System opens for checking the selection results: December 19 (Tuesday)10:00AM

   3. 复选: 12月19日(星期二)16:00至12月20日(星期三)16:00

   Reselection stage: December 19 (Tuesday) 16:00PM  to December 20 (Wednesday) 16:00PM


五、选课贯注事项 Tips


    Before the course selection, students should make own course selection plan based on full understanding of the courses available by studying the teaching plan carefully. It is not recommended to select too many optional courses at random, each student is only allowed to drop at most TWO courses per semester .

2、 未注册不成选课。

      Register status required.


     When log in, don't  select to save the password.  After the course selection is done, turn off the computer to prevent account theft.

4、 选课后请再次登录,检察选课数据是否保存成效。

     After selection, log in the system again to double check whether the data have been saved properly.

5.     选课遗弃后,请同学们实时查询选课后果。未中选的同学,须鄙人学期开学初恳求补选;

After the course selection, please check the course selection results in time. Students who fail to select courses on time must apply at the beginning of next semester;


1. 2023级、2022级和2021级课程列表:

1.1 List of Courses Available for 2023-2024-2 - Batch 2023.pdf

1.2 List of Courses Available for 2023-2024-2 - Batch 2022.pdf

1.3 List of Courses Available for 2023-2024-2 - Batch 2021.pdf

 2. 选课匡助视频和文档:

demonstration video on course selection.mp4  

Manual for course selection.pdf  




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